The Dirt on Dirt – Willamette Valley Terroir
Wednesday, April 12th starting at 7:00, Dr. Scott Burns will join us at the Jakob Yungen House to discuss the earth forces that filled the Tualatin Valley with soil that is among the richest on earth. Honored as the Outstanding Oregon Scientist for 2014 by the Oregon Academy of Science, Scott Burns’ career-long body of work was cited by the Academy because of its relation to the day-to-day lives of Oregonians. His work has ranged from the mapping of areas of dangerous radon, pocket gopher behavior and landslide hazard mapping to research on the Missoula Floods including the co-authorship of a definitive work entitled Cataclysms on the Columbia: The Great Missoula Floods. His work is of special interest to friends of Helvetia Vineyards because he first investigated vineyard soils here in 2006 as a teaching project. For the last decade, Scott continued his research on vineyard soils and has expanded his inquiries to include vineyard soils throughout Oregon. We will be sending ticket information soon and will post on the Helvetia Winery website. Please save the date, April 12, for a talk that promises to be earth-shaking.