A Message To Your Sweetheart Wrapped Around A Special Wine

Are you looking for a unique Valentine’s gift that is as personal as it is tasteful? Our 2022 Estate Reserve Willamette Valley Pinot Noir is the medium for your message. Two years in French oak brings the aromas and intensity of cherry and pomegranate to your loved one’s palate. And even with a custom label, the price is only $38 if you pickup. For an additional shipping and handling charge of $20, we can ship within Oregon.
How to Order
Send us your message: We will add it to the template above and forward a draft to you before printing. Or you can send a special photo (.jpg) with a Valentine’s message that we can add as a caption. Then email your message with your phone number to info@helvetiawinery.com adding the subject: “CUSTOM LABEL.” When creating your message, PLEASE NOTE, the U.S. Treasury Department has certain rules about personalized labels that prohibit health claims or obscene content among other prohibited content. We will check the content you forward to ensure it is authorized and notify you if we see a problem.
Call us at 503-647-7596 with questions.
For either option, we will design your label, send you a draft for approval, print and apply the labels to the wine, and contact you when available for pick-up or shipping. Turnaround is five days or less..