Community Farming Revolution

Because of the Missoula Floods, occurring between 13 and 15 thousand years ago, our Tualatin Valley has some of the best farmland in the world In addition to growing record yields of grains and nursery plants in the valley, not to mention fine winegrapes on the foothills of the Tualatin and Chehalem mountains, we are fortunate to have a number of farms practicing Community Supported Agriculture (CSA’s) where Valley residents can obtain fresh local vegetables and meats from farmers that are proud to show how their crops and animals are grown in a manner that is safe and healthy for people and for the many other creatures that inhabit our beautiful countryside.

Helvetia Vineyards & Winery would like you to know more about the wonderful foods and the experience that our local farmers offer.  This year we are again hosting local CSA’s along with the Tualatin Soil & Conservation District to acquaint our customers and neighbors with the bounty offered here.  On Saturday, March 25, the farmer-owners of Stoneboat Farm, Finquita del Buho, Wingham Farm and others will be at the Jakob Yungen House all afternoon to talk with you about their offerings.  We hope to see you then.